czwartek, 9 kwietnia 2015

Differences between Job Rotation, Job Enlargement and Job Enrichment

These three aspects are related to Job Design Approaches. Following are the three aspects in detail:
i) Job Rotation:
Job rotation, as the name suggests means rotating the job. It involves the movement of employees through a range of jobs in order to increase interest and motivation. It can improve "multi-tasking" but also involves the need for continuous training. It reduces boredom and disinterest through diversifying the employee's activities. With the help of Job Rotation, the management can easily identify in which area the particular employee is best at work.

Job Rotation also has certain drawbacks:
Every time an employee is transferred to other department; it will cost a huge training cost.
Employees may take time in adjusting with the new environment.
ii) Job Enlargement:
Job Enlargement means the expansion of the number of different tasks performed by employee under a single job or in a horizontal manner. It attempts to add some similar tasks in the existing job. It enhances the interest of the employee.
Job Enlargement is beneficial for employers as they are getting more amount of work in similar pay.
There are few main reasons because of which an employee is motivated to continue with Job enlargement. They are:-
Task Variety: There can be number of tasks to perform under the enlargement scheme; which tends to give a good variety to the workers to perform and it also helps them to be away from the boredom.
Utilization of the Ability: With the enlarged role in job the workers tend to use their highest ability to perform the task in better and efficient manner which acts as a motivational factor for them. The fact that management has to take care at this stage is that they should not stretch or enlarge the job in such a manner in which the employee feels frustrated and bored or the job should not become monotonous. On the contrary, management should find such a task and way of accomplishing it so that the employee should accept as a challenge which can be fulfilled easily with flying colours.
Feedback on the basis of Performance: Timely feedback enhances the motivation of the employees to work effectively and efficiently every time.
Along with the benefits which Job enlargement has, it also has certain drawbacks. They are: Workers may require additional training for the new task, which may cause increase in the training budget. If a new system is introduced first time; it may decrease the productivity.
iii) Job Enrichment:
Enrichment in the tasks which a worker performs means Job enrichment. It also means that additional authority is granted to the employee in his tasks list. The company can also introduce new and more difficult tasks not handled previously. It provides opportunity for employee's psychological growth.
The theory of Job enrichment was first stated by Herzberg. According to him, it has eight characteristics. They are:
Direct Feedback: Feedback given at the time of the result increases the morale of the worker to perform better.
Client Relationship: Serving the clients either external or internal enhances the job in many ways. External clients are the outside customers for eg: if an officer working in a showroom attends the customers and finishes a sale it means that he gave service to the external customer. But on the other hand internal customer is the other employee of the same organization. For eg: the same employee coordinates with the employee from the other department it means that he/she served internal customer.
Scheduling own work: Self-scheduling helps the employee to tackle which assignment to finish first and which later. This aspect enhances the creativity of the employees.
Direct Communication Authority: It allows communicating directly with the employees, which helps in increasing the results and the output.
Personal Accountability: After receiving direct feedback; employee can easily come to know about his own stand in the company.

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